July 5, 2018

Matthew 14:20 

“So they all ate and were filled, and they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments that remained.”

It is interesting that after the multitudes were well fed, the disciples went out and gathered up the fragments that were left over. I don’t hear Jesus asking them to gather up the remnants, but they just knew that that was the right thing to do. In their minds, they must have considered that the remnants could still be useful to be eaten by their company or to be given to the poor around them. So, without Jesus’ command, they kept the fragments of bread that remained.

Isn’t it a privilege that God’s provision can be so much that there is an abundance at the end of the day? When we have such a situation, the question becomes how to manage the excess so that there is no wastage. In the kingdom, it is criminal to waste anything. God’s abundant provision for today merely is His way of either providing for others through you or His increasing your storehouse for your needs of tomorrow. Whichever the case, wasting any excess that you may have is a lack of understanding of your stewardship. May we practice the policy of zero wastage.

“Father, thank You for Your abundant provisions in my life. Grant me the common sense to know that I need to use any excess resource in my care in a judicious manner. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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