Matthew 14:24
“But the boat was now in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary.”
Jesus had told the disciples to go over to the other side of the lake, but on their way, they were hit by a storm, right in the middle of the sea. It’s interesting that the storm caught them in the middle of the sea where it would be impossible to go back to shore or press forward to their destination. And the effect of the storm was to keep them tossed to and from, using strong contrary winds.
And so, it is with our walk with Jesus. On any journey Jesus sends us on, the enemy will surely intervene. We must expect the robust and contrary winds because they are designed to break our boats and drown our destinies. And if the winds don’t succeed to drown us, they will ensure they toss us to and fro, making us confused and distracted and disturbed. So, this is how the Lord and Satan wrestle. Satan can’t do anything to the Lord, but He knows He can seek to frustrate us, God’s children. The fight is all about attempting to disrupt the program of God by disrupting our journeys with God. Since it will inevitably happen and will continue to happen, let’s expect it and be ready when it happens.
“When I am being tossed to and fro, keep my heart steady O Lord, because I know the winds don’t last forever. Amen.”