Matthew 14:26
“And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, ‘It is a ghost!’ And they cried out for fear.”
Do not fear when Jesus reaches out to us in ways that are different from the norm. Jesus has the right to manifest Himself and to help us in His own way and timing. Jesus does not do things because that’s the best way for us; He does things in His own way. What we should be concerned about is that He stops us from drowning, not how He stops us from drowning. Jesus has the final say, and we must relax, knowing His way is always the best way.
To the disciples, Jesus’ appearing brought great fear because He appeared in a manner they had never seen before. It seemed that this could not be Jesus because of the method Jesus used. They “cried out in fear” because their beloved Savior appeared to them like a ghost. The conclusion of the matter is this: Irrespective of how or when Jesus appears, may we have faith that it is still Him at work. Amen.
“Jesus, work Your work to save me in the manner and timing of Your choice. I will not seek to intervene in Your work. I simply want to trust You to save me from the storms, using whatever methodology of Your choice. Amen.”