Matthew 14:30
“But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, ‘Lord, save me!’ ”
Peter was bold enough to test Jesus by asking if he could come to Him on the waters. And of course, when he did come out of the boat and was headed to Jesus, he walked on water because his eyes were centered on Jesus. But the moment he took his eyes away from Jesus, the miracle ceased.
Our miracles will only continue to happen if we keep our eyes centered on Jesus. Our miracles do not occur when we look at our methodologies or our systems or our innovations. Our miracles happen when our lives are focused on Jesus Himself. Don’t mind the boisterous winds because all they can do is distract us from centering on Jesus. We will walk the supernatural life if we concentrate all our energies on seeing Jesus. The centered life is the miraculous life. The best decision we can make every day is, therefore, to keep our life energies, centrally focused on Jesus and Jesus alone. Amen.
“Yes, Jesus, I make this my life goal. Looking at the winds and analyzing the storm may seem reasonable, but they don’t birth the supernatural life. My Lord and my God, I center my life on You. Please help me live my life in this way, all the days of my life. In Jesus name. Amen.”