July 13, 2018

Matthew 14:35 

“And when the men of that place recognized Him, they sent out into all that surrounding region, brought to Him all who were sick,”

Jesus was known for something. Jesus was not just famous because He claimed to be the Son of God or because of His profound spiritual insights. Jesus was popular primarily because of His healing ministry. Jesus’ popularity was based on His ability to do for men what they could not do for themselves. In other words, Jesus was popular because of His influence on men.

If we touch men in the places of their needs, they will most likely respond to us in positive ways. The key to influence is touching people’s needs, and popularity is the baby of influence. I don’t think we need to seek popularity because seeking such is rooted in selfish self-centeredness. But we can try to influence men for God by seeking to touch them in their places of greatest needs. When Jesus landed in Gennesaret, people immediately recognized Him as the One who heals, and there was an immediate chain reaction that brought together the crowds of people needing healing. If you touch lives where they desperately need a touch, they will tell others about you.

“Father, I don’t seek popularity and human praise, but I want to touch lives. O God, flow through me and touch people in the areas of their greatest needs, in Jesus name. Amen.”


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