July 17, 2018

Matthew 15:8 

“These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me.”

God is not interested in our many activities and extended hours of prayers. God has only one interest, and that is to have the sole proprietorship of our hearts because that is where the center stage of Man resides and it is from there that all the products of his life emanate. God wants the heart and what really matters to God is that our heart core, is near to Him.

Ministry and external spirituality can disguise themselves are indicators of closeness to God. We can pretend and act out an energetic series of performances that can fool everyone but surely, they cannot fool God. It takes a hard look at ourselves under the mirror of God before we can honestly know if our hearts are close to God or not. Externalities are not your primary indicators. The innermost desire for and warmth towards God is one sure sign that we are not far from Him. It’s His primary ministry to draw our hearts away from the rat race of external exertions; to draw us away and into the quiet place of inner spiritual fervor and desire. That’s the heart that appeals to our Lord.

“Deliver me from hypocrisy, Lord. Deliver me from continual physical religious activities even when my spiritual heart altar is cold and dry and distant from the living flames of God. Draw my heart again to the heart of Your flame. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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