Matthew 15:11
“Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.”
One of the biggest struggles in the Christian Faith is the struggle to keep our mouths shut. One of the biggest areas of stumbling is through the words we speak. One of our biggest channels of contamination is through our mouths. Of course, the source of pollution is from the inner chambers of the heart where the words come from, but if we have the grace of containment, we will be able to control the inner defilement by closing the door of our mouth.
Do you want to be genuinely spiritual? Seek the inner reformation that comes from inward spiritual renewal. Do you want to be a blessing to others? Let your words bring forth the sound meat of grace and love to those around you. How can we identify a defiled man? By listening to what proceeds from his mouth.
“Jesus, it’s the constant inner renewal that I desperately desire. Please Father, because of the atonement, let the root of my word-formations be pure, for only then can my words be pure. In Jesus name. Amen.”