July 26, 2018

Matthew 16:14 

“So they said, ‘Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.’ ”

Jesus wanted to know what the public thought about Him and not that it really mattered to Him, but He was intrigued to know what their thoughts and perspectives were. And of course, people had divergent opinions about Him, and this was to be expected.

For each of us, don’t expect that people will see you in the same way. Based on their personal interactions with you and what they hear about you, people will define you differently, and even if their assumptions about you are wrong, they will yet claim to know you enough to define you. But that’s ok. If they got it wrong about Jesus, they would get it wrong about you. What really counts at the end of the day is not what the crowd thinks of you, but who God says you are. My identity and sense of self-worth must never stem from the good or bad definitions men have given me, but from who God says I am. That’s what really counts.

“Lord, Your definition of who I really am is what really matters. I will not make myself into who people want me to be, and I will not define myself by the public opinions of me. Help me stick to Your definition of me, in Jesus name. Amen.”


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