Matthew 16:18
“And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”
The Church of God cannot be defeated. Despite all the viciousness and rage against the Church through the centuries, it has continued to grow and expand. I believe that the gates of hell are somewhat confused about what to do with the Church because all their wicked and ferocious strategies to destroy the Church has continued to fail.
The gates of hell shall not prevail over the Church because it is not a building or a religious system, but a spiritual Bride directly connected to the eternal Bridegroom. The life of the Church is directly connected to the life of Christ, and because Christ ever lives, it, therefore, means that the Bride cannot die. I am part of the Bride. I am part of the Church. Once I remain intrinsically connected to Christ as His Bride, I cannot be defeated. The gates of hell may prevail against the physical external Church or my external physical body, but the Bride is a spiritual House that transcends the physical. I cannot be defeated just like the Church cannot be defeated, because Christ Himself secures our victory. Halleluiah.
“Thank You, Jesus, for securing my eternal destiny and my present victory over the gates of hell. Help me always to remember, that irrespective of what the hordes of hell have fashioned against the Church or me, we are more than conquerors. Praise God. Amen.”