July 29, 2018

Matthew 16:19 

“And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

These are amazing words spoken by the Messiah Himself. Had they been spoken by someone else, we may have been tempted to consider it an exaggeration or an attempt to defraud men through extravagant promises; but the words of Jesus are true. Jesus has given us, the Church, the keys of the kingdom of heaven. This is absolutely mind-blowing. We have the keys that operate the powers of the kingdom, and we can use these keys to fashion and form events here on earth. This is incredible; too incredible to be true. And yet, He who is Truth spoke them; so they are true.

We have been given an incredible privilege, honor, and authority, which we must exercise earnestly. We can control what happens on earth once we can make the declarations using the keys of the kingdom. Our words and declarations are honored in the spirit realm once we are seated with Christ in the heavenlies. Let’s be bold to pronounce God’s will upon the events of this life, knowing that Jesus Himself is bound to honor them; seeing He has already given us the keys. Amen.

“Take away from me the reactionary spirit that only reacts to earthly things. Make me Lord, a creator, a director, and a decider. Help me to use the authority of the kingdom to fashion lives and destinies and situations here on earth. This I ask, in Jesus name.”


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