Matthew 16:24-25
“Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘If anyone desires to come after Me…For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.’ ”
It’s all about desire. One of the hallmarks of a true disciple is his insatiable desire to come after Jesus. Remember that the verse quoted above is spoken only to disciples and only disciples can possess the strong desire described here. Desire is the engine of the human will. The will only responds to desire, and where there is a desire, the will is ignited to do whatever must be done to fulfill desire. Desire gives direction and action to life. Without desire, life is dull and empty and unlivable. Those who commit suicide or slide into some form of depression are actually struggling with the issue of desire.
Desire can be positive or negative. When you see a man willing to lose his life for a cause, it means he has found a desire that overwhelms and supersedes the desire to live. As believers, Jesus calls us to desire Him above our very lives. The call to desire Christ is the call to live for Christ. No spiritual discipline or spiritual decision is achievable without the overriding desire for Christ. So, at the end of the day, it’s not what we think or plan that counts, but who we desire; and the earnestness of our desire will determine the power behind our wills.
“Lord, fill me with an overwhelming and exciting desire for God. Oh Lord, may my desire for You overtake every other desire in my life, in Jesus name. Amen.”