August 6, 2018

Matthew 17:1-2

“Now after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, led them up on a high mountain by themselves; and He was transfigured before them…”

We must all have our inner caucus; that group of men and women before whom we can discuss freely and totally bare ourselves without caution. We must all have our inner caucus of trusted associates, people who can speak into our situation without fear of the implications. We must all have our caucus; that community where we are committed to an accountability relationship that’s reliable.

For Jesus to reveal Himself through the Transfiguration, He needed to separate His inner team from the other disciples. It is quite telling that Jesus led them to a very high mountain, all by themselves, before He could bare Himself to them. We need to do likewise by discovering our place of isolation and separation where we can share our deepest and most personal issues, with our trusted circle of friends. I need a caucus that I can trust. I need to practice my transfiguration before them. I need to locate my very high mountain.

“Lord, I am riddled with all types of things that need disclosure and discussion with trusted friends. Show me who my inner caucus should be Lord, and how I need to engage with them. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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