August 9, 2018

Matthew 17:9

“Now as they came down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying, ‘Tell the vision to no one until the Son of Man is risen from the dead.’ ”

Gauge when to speak. Speaking needs discernment. Even glorious revelations need the right time to be shared. Not everything that is good can be received as good all the time. There’s a time for everything under the sun, including the time to reveal the visions and revelations of God. Speaking the truth at the wrong time may produce unwanted results, not because people reject the truth, but because the truth was presented at the wrong time or in the wrong context.

I would have thought that after this great encounter, the key response would be to go and tell everyone. But no, that was not the wisdom of Jesus. Evidently, Jesus wanted them to tell everyone about their experience on the mount, but only after His resurrection. He knew that that would be the right time for their encounter to make sense to men. So, we must wait for the right time and the right season.

“Teach me, Lord, to control when I communicate Your divine revelations to men. I know I always want to share what You’ve shown me, but help me gain control, to know the right timing and the right season. In Your name, I pray. Amen.”


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