Matthew 17:17
“Then Jesus answered and said, ‘O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to Me.’ ”
Jesus rebuked His disciples very sharply because they could not cast out the epileptic demon in the young boy. Jesus was very disappointed because He’d expected that by this time, they should have been able to perform such miracles. He knew His time was running out and they needed to begin to take over. He called His disciples perverse because they lacked faith. This is serious.
To escape this title of perversion, we need to believe and act. Jesus has given us a mandate, and we cannot afford to fail Him because of unbelief. Failure from lack of faith is perversion. The disciples failed because they somehow did not trust Jesus enough for the miracle. We must arise in faith to work the works of Him who sent us, while it is day; for the night is coming quickly. So, don’t just do ministry; let an active faith anchors ministry; a faith that doesn’t see obstacles but sees the greatness of our Almighty God. Not to act in such a manner is perversion to Jesus.
“Yes Lord, I choose to see Your great power and Your great majesty. I will act, and I will do while putting all my trust in Your divine ability to perform all things. Amen.”