Matthew 17:20
“…for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”
Prayer is not the key to impossibilities; neither is hard work. These can be complementary, but they do not serve as the key. The key to unlocking impossible situations is faith; simple and rugged faith. According to Jesus, it is not the size of the faith that matters, but the quality of faith. If it is true faith, even the tiniest of it can move impossibilities.
Of course, we know that the sovereignty of God also limits our faith, but if we pray and act in faith and in line with the revealed will of God, then we should expect the miracle to happen. I feel that I have not yet believed God, as I ought to. I feel that I overthink and depend too much on my skills and abilities. I think I am too rationalistic and too organized for God. I need to believe God more, even for more impossible situations. I need to step off my boat and walk on water with Jesus. “O Lord, help me grow in this great discipline.”
“Father, I need to grow in trusting You for more complicated and impossible situations. Maybe I have been too cautious, but I ask Lord that I am granted special help to move out of my boat, to trust You in a new way. This I ask, in Jesus name. Amen.”