Matthew 18:16
“But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.”
It’s unfortunate, but most of us are prideful, arrogant and not easy to entreat. It is regrettable, but many believers find it so hard to accept when they are wrong, and we feel the constant need to defend ourselves even when we are wrong. Oh! The grace to be humble is my cry. “O God, deliver me from being a hard head.”
When we meet hardheads, we need to call others in, although the calling of others may become the source of further stubbornness. Hardheads are not easily entreated even in the presence of others. And so, praying for the softening of the hardened heart may be the best recipe for the stubborn, unrepentant brother. Unless the Lord works on his heart, he is not likely going to see reason even in the presence of other witnesses. My prayer for my life is that I may never be so stubborn that a case gets to go before a community to be resolved.
“O Jesus, grant me Your humble Spirit so that I can rather choose to suffer wrong from my brother than to turn the case into a community discussion. I will not be a hard head. This I ask in Your name. Amen.”