August 31, 2018

Matthew 19:28-29

“So Jesus said to them, ‘Assuredly I say to you, that in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory… everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.’ “

Some seem to think that followership is an arduous task that has no reward. Yes, following Jesus can be difficult and it many times involves a lot of sacrifices, pain, and denials; yet it also carries with it, many pleasures in this life and eternity. The great thing about truly following Jesus is that you cannot lose. Even though you may lose some relationships and some pleasures in the immediate, you will gain a hundredfold in the day of regeneration, plus eternal life.

O praise God for the day of regeneration. There is a day when all things will be made new and when the children of the kingdom will shine like stars in the heavens. O, praise God for the day of regeneration because that is the day when all the temporary pains and losses from following Jesus will be fully rewarded. O praise God for the day of regeneration because He in whom we have trusted and followed shall sit on His throne in glory, and He shall remember us on that day. Hallelujah, for I cannot wait for that day to come. I, therefore, will rejoice in my afflictions and losses of today because I know that on the day of regeneration, my faithful God shall restore and replenish and make all things new. Hallelujah.

Hallelujah Lord. Hallelujah. I shout Hallelujah on this day of revelation because I see again, that following You, is not in vain. The day is coming when everything will make sense, and all my tears will mean something. It will be a day of laughter, of rejoicing, of rewards. Hallelujah Lord Jesus. Hallelujah.”


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