Matthew 20:1
“For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.”
God is always recruiting and so must I, on His behalf. From this story, it is clear that the Lord begins hiring people very early in the morning. The time in which the recruitment drive begins, shows the urgency of the matter before Him.
In partnership with Jesus and by His Spirit, I am called to arise early and to recruit. There are resources out there needed for the Lord’s vineyard, and if not recruited, these resources will either be wasted, misused or abused. I am a recruiter because my Lord is a recruiter. All that is in heaven and on earth belongs to Him and He has paramount right to their usage. How is it that God owns everything and yet His vineyards remain un-kept and neglected for lack of laborers? I am not called to recruit skills, funds or instruments. God recruits men and women; God recruits hearts to follow after Him. Once He has the hearts of men, they will serve Him in whatever capacity His vineyard has need. So, don’t be ashamed to recruit for the King because He’s gone ahead on His recruitment drive.
“Lord, I see this ministry more clearly today. I see that Satan has been quick to recruit men for his ignoble causes while we have remained silent. I refuse to be silent anymore. I refuse to let God’s own resources to go to waste. Amen.”