Matthew 20:3
“And he went out about the third hour and saw others standing idle in the marketplace,”
It is shameful that while God is actively hiring men and women for His vineyard, scores of believers stand by idle, saying no one has hired us. God is hiring and we cannot afford to remain on the sidelines waiting for work in the kingdom. The truth is, we have all already been hired. All we need to do is get to work. The Great Commission is the Masters’ Hiring Call to the entire Body of Christ.
Don’t be idle in this great day of labor. Don’t be idle while your colleagues exert themselves and stretch themselves for the Master. It is shameful that some people in the Kingdom see the life of the kingdom as a passport to easy living and grandiose blessings, but do not engage in intensive labor for the King. The King’s vineyard needs urgent laborers. Don’t sit by busy with secondary pursuits while He uses others. Remember there will also be a day of rewards and reckoning, and those who have labored hard in the field will be extravagantly rewarded; while the shameless idle bystanders will suffer loss for their non-involvement. Today is the day to sign up. Jump in and get your hands dirty in our Lord’s vineyard.
“Jesus, I have committed to serve You and serve in Your vineyard. I thank You for the privilege of serving You and I commit never to be an idle bystander in this day of great labors for the kingdom. Amen.”