September 18, 2018

Matthew 20:9

“And when those came who were hired about the eleventh hour, they each received a denarius.”

God is extremely gracious. Despite my not deserving to serve Him and despite the limitedness in my service to Him, He still chooses to pay me in full as though I labored as hard and as fully as others. I cannot understand the graciousness of God. The more I try to understand Him, the less I actually do. If He were to treat us as we deserved, then none of us would be worth anything. However, He treats us according to His gracious mercy, and He looks at us with much pity in His eyes, because He loves us.

So how can I not love Him back? How can I withhold my love from the One who has loved me far beyond my worth? To see that He has stored up treasures for me even when I do not deserve them, is enough motivation to love and serve Him more. Those who labored for just one hour were given a full day’s wage. If such men were given a choice to serve someone in the future, whom would they choose to serve? This is my story. If I had my life to live all over again, there is only one Master I would deem fit to serve and that is my King Jesus.

“Yes Jesus, You deserve all I have and all I am, because You have lavished extreme grace and blessings on me. Thank You for being who You are and for not treating me as I deserve. Amen.”


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