Matthew 20:14
“Take what is yours and go your way. I wish to give to this last man the same as to you.”
The workers who had been idle and who had agreed to work for a set pay became jealous because the landowner had decided to pay all the workers equally, irrespective of their hours of labor. In effect, they were grieved that they had not received more in comparison to the workers who worked for fewer hours, despite the fact that they were paid in full according to the contractual agreement. Jesus said to them, “Is your eye evil because I am good?”
We must flee the evil eye of covetousness and greed. Greed is that wrong desire to receive more than we have and covetousness is the desire to receive more because someone else has more. We need to practice godliness with contentment. While we strive to improve ourselves and we seek to increase our net physical asset, we must be content in our hearts at every stage we find ourselves; knowing that God is the One in charge of what we get, and where and when. Don’t be like these evil laborers. If God chooses to lavish more grace on some neighbors of yours, celebrate God’s goodness, being satisfied that He is also keeping His part of His bargain when it comes to your affairs.
“I choose not to be covetous. O Lord, always grant me the special grace of godly contentment and remind me that Your love for me is unique and never needs to be compared with anyone else. This I ask for, in Jesus name. Amen.”