Matthew 20:19
“and deliver Him to the Gentiles to mock and to scourge and to crucify. And the third day He will rise again.”
I am irreversibly connected to Jesus. For this reason, I will be called upon to suffer with Him and sorrow with Him. I know that for some reason, I will also be rejected, mocked and maybe scourged in some way. But praise God; because Jesus rose again, I will rise again also.
This is my hope and my consolation. For every life that is intrinsically connected to the life of Jesus, such a life cannot stay down. No matter what Satan does to break or destroy such a life, it cannot be consumed by the plans of hell. Satan cannot have the last say on a heavenly life. He cannot. My life is yoked to Christ and for this reason, I will always rise with Him. I am seated with Him, and even if I am buffeted and scourged and depressed for a short season, I will always rise again to my rightful place with my Savior and Redeemer. Hallelujah. My life is sealed and secured in the Beloved.
“This is the confidence I have in Christ Jesus, that no matter how evil the schemes are against my life and no matter how hard they try to keep me down, I will surely and repeatedly rise from the ashes of pain and shame. Thank You Jesus for this privilege to stay connected to You. Amen.”