September 24, 2018

Matthew 20:25-26

“You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you…”

When the other disciples heard what James and John had been lobbying for, they were enraged. Jesus however pointed out that James and John were who they were and believed what they believed because of the kinds of leaders they had as examples. James and John had set up wrong parameters of who leaders are. From the examples around them, they saw leadership as possessing and exercising lordship and authority over men, and this defined their own desires for power.

We must be careful whom we set as our models and examples. Around us are right and wrong examples for every endeavor in life, and we simply must choose the examples that reflect the kingdom lifestyle. For example, despite Jesus’ real-life example of servant leadership before the disciples, they still chose to set their eyes of the Gentile rulers as models for leadership. Imitate Christ. Let Christ live through you. Model after Him and model the lifestyles of those who reflect Jesus.

“Jesus, You are my perfect model and by Your grace, I commit not to pursue any lifestyle outside Your pattern. Amen.”


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