September 25, 2018

Matthew 20:26-27

“Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave—“

The kingdom of God is never about personal promotion and personal aggrandizement. Jesus typified and modeled the life of the kingdom by the simplicity of His lifestyle and His commitment to serve people. Jesus loved people and His entire ministry centered on how to be a blessing to people. By the philosophy of Jesus, the way to identify a great person is by how much of himself he’s willing to let go for another person to make progress. It has to be about the other person and not about us. That’s the way of the kingdom.

“Whoever desires to become great and whoever desires to be first” needs to understand the kingdom job description for the holders of those positions. Leadership and greatness therefore would lose its glamour and fleshy appeal if we all agreed that it’s all about serving, helping and blessing others. Let’s get out there and forget our personal agendas and do all we can to uplift, enable, encourage and support others. Let serving others be the mantra of our mission in life. Every day, let’s seek for opportunities and create avenues to make others relieved and comforted by our actions and our words. Only to such people does Jesus accord the position of first and great.

“Father, make my life follow this simple dogma and remind me daily of this simple life focus. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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