September 27, 2018

Matthew 20:31

“…but they cried out all the more, saying, ‘Have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!’ ”

Those with correct intellectual and religious degrees may have faulted the blind men for addressing Jesus as the Son of David, after all, He is the Lord of all. Those of us who have precise understanding of scriptures may emphasize that Jesus is one with the Almighty God and therefore the blind men failed woefully in their approach to Jesus. For many of us, precision in theology is essential to receiving from God.

While such spiritual precision is important, God looks beyond our external definitions and terminologies. God is looking for hearts that are drawn to Him and long for Him. Faith is the deep belief in what God can do even if we do not have a comprehensive picture of who God is. Believe that God can and despite your limited knowledge, God will honor your faith. Some people are big on knowledge, but do not have much spiritual faith to trust God for the impossible. Let’s not just emphasize knowledge; let’s emphasize faith and trust. Like these blind men, let’s cry out to Jesus even within the limitations of our theological framework.

“I don’t know all the mysteries about You, O Lord Jesus, but I know that You alone are the solution to all my problems. So, Lord, help me please and visit me as I cry to You. Amen.”


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