September 29, 2018

Matthew 20:34

“So Jesus had compassion and touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him.”

Without the touch of Jesus, we are really blind. Jesus called the Pharisees “Blind Guides” because while they claimed they could see, they really were spiritually blind. We are all spiritually blind until Jesus touches our eyes. We need the compassion of Jesus to touch our eyes. Spiritual things can only be spiritually discerned and discernible. Only through the eyes of the Spirit can we know what God really requires and demands. Only when our spiritual eyes are opened can we truly follow Him.

We must stop deceiving ourselves in thinking that we know and we see, when Jesus has not yet touched us. Knowledge and personal experience are good, but we can have all that and still be totally blind. There’s a spiritual illumination that happens when Jesus touches us. This opening of eyes makes our journey with Christ totally different from the normal journey. We begin to sense and feel and know in a totally different light. Without the touch of Jesus, our lives will be fraught with all manner of dangers because we cannot see where the potholes and pitfalls lie ahead of us. Our most urgent need today is that Jesus helps us see correctly.

O God, I am blind. I cannot see. Many times, I act based on human wisdom and past experience, but even these have failed me. O God and Father, open my eyes in a new and different way. Show me how to walk, where to walk and when to walk. Open my spiritual eyes, O Lord, in Jesus name I pray. Amen & Amen.”


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