September 30, 2018

Matthew 21:2

“saying to them, ‘Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Loose them and bring them to Me.’ “

Jesus needs me. So many things have tied up my life, keeping me very busy and engaged; but Jesus needs me. Jesus needs my heart. Jesus needs my mind. Jesus needs my body. Jesus needs my skills. Jesus needs my brains. Jesus needs my money. Jesus needs all of me. Yet I feel so tied up by so many things. Around me are so many pressures tying up all of me and yet, Jesus is sending for me.

Do you feel tied? Do you sense Jesus’ call for you and yet you seem so overwhelmed with tasks, deadlines, pressures, and inhibitions? Here’s the good news. When Jesus sends for you, He also plans to loosen you from the many ropes tying you down. Hallelujah. Jesus knows we are tied down, but He intends to set us free so that He can ride on us. So, we must have faith and hope that, just like the donkey was tied and released, Jesus is sending help to untie us. Praise God.

“This is good news for me today because I feel so tied up, O Lord. I feel so tied up and bound, and yet I know You are calling for me. Jesus, untie me that I may be free to come to You. This I ask You, in Your name. Amen.”


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