October 5, 2018

Matthew 21:12

“Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves.”

There is a type of violence that is good and righteous. There is a type of violence that is not directed at men but at the system of opportunism that takes advantage of men. Religious leaders are not exempt from the fraternity of exploiters who prey on the simplicity of followers. And while opportunistic exploitation can be understood or tolerated in the realm of politics and public management, it cannot and must not be tolerated in the Church of the Living God.

We must fight off religious exploiters who use the name of Jesus to prey on the innocent. We, who see, must fight off this system of oppression by speaking out boldly and forcefully. There is a violence that is not against men but is violently against religious systems created by men. When Jesus saw this in the temple of God, His anger was apparent, and His response was pointed. He violently stood for God against the system of organized exploitative religion. May we likewise in the Spirit of Jesus, never remain silent when we see religious sharks preying on the people, in the name of God. Rise up and speak out against evil, especially when that evil is in the House of God.

“Lord, I will violently oppose all forms of internal oppression of God’s people by the very people who are to protect them. By Your Spirit, I stand to fight for Your name and by Your name. Amen.”


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