Matthew 21:14
“Then the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed them.”
Two vital ministries that the church must perform in the name of the Lord is opening the eyes of the blind and helping the crippled become whole. Our world is filled with blind and crippled people, both literally and metaphorically and only Jesus can perform the miracle they need. The passions of this life blind so many; blinded by hatred and bitterness; blinded by the craze for success and popularity; blinded by human expectations and definitions. And this blindness naturally leads to the crippling of such lives from the wholeness and wholesomeness that God had intended for them.
We are called to open the eyes of men and to restore their wholeness, through the name of Jesus. Only in Christ can men be free from the rat race of empty pursuits that leave them dry, barren and crippled. Jesus makes whole. Jesus restores. Jesus breaks the yoke of sin. Jesus alone can solve the puzzle of purposeless living. Without Christ, we are all blind and crippled, chasing the same vanities and chained down by the same purposeless ambitions of humanity. Only in Jesus can we see from God’s perspective and only then can life have real meaning. If you are not blind and if indeed you are not lame, then reach out to someone around you and touch him or her in the name of Jesus.
“Lord Jesus, thank You for touching me and healing me. Now Lord, invigorate me to touch others around me in Your name. Amen.”