October 15, 2018

Matthew 21:24

“But Jesus answered and said to them, ‘I also will ask you one thing, which if you tell Me, I likewise will tell you by what authority I do these things’ ”

It’s not every time that you need to give a direct answer to a direct question. Sometimes, it is good to answer a question with a question, particularly when you want the questioner to clarify the motive or purpose of the question. Being hasty to answer a tricky question may only lead us into the very trap that the question was meant to lead us into.

So be slow to answer questions, particularly when you are not sure of the motive of the person asking the question. Listen attentively to your spirit on the inside of you, and try to discern if this is a trick question or a transparent question. Jesus was the master at this because He could discern the motives of men, and therefore He was always quick to turn the tables around by asking return questions. In humility and with utmost simplicity, let’s learn to ask questions back to the questioner, whenever we sense that the purpose of the question is not as innocent as it may look on the surface.

“Father, give me the discerning heart of Jesus, so that I may know how to respond to the trick questions that are posed before me. This I pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”


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