Matthew 21:25
“ ‘The baptism of John—where was it from? From heaven or from men?’ And they reasoned among themselves, saying, ‘If we say, “From heaven,” He will say to us, “Why then did you not believe him?” ’ ”
There is a simple rule that should be used to evaluate and assess every program, every proposal, and every person. Because we know that everything has a source and nothing proceeds without a source, we need to be asking the simple question of what or who that source is, as that should determine how we interact with it.
If we can confirm that the source is of God, then it means that the person or program has heavens backing, and we ought to also believe and receive it. If, however, we cannot confirm heaven as behind it, then spiritual wisdom demands that we either avoid that thing entirely or engage it with great caution. My simple rule in life is to interact with people and their programs with this understanding in mind. This is my simple rule: “Whatever is not of Heaven, is of men; and whatever is of men and originate from man is dangerous to my spirit being.” Period!
“Lord, always remind me please, that nothing is neutral here. Please Lord, save me from naivety. Open my eyes to see the source of each man and each idea, and help me to judge and interact with each one according to their root source. In Jesus name. Amen.”