October 17, 2018

Matthew 21:31

“ ‘Which of the two did the will of his father?’ They said to Him, ‘The first.’ Jesus said to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you that tax collectors and harlots enter the kingdom of God before you.’ “

Jesus is not impressed by what we say, but by what we do. In the story of this parable, the first son initially refused to obey his father and work in the vineyard; but after reflecting and rethinking the issue, he changed his mind and went. On the other hand, the second son quickly accepted his father’s request to work in his vineyard, but never went. So, Jesus’ question reveals the real issue: “Who is justified here? Is it he who said he’d do the work but didn’t or he who had refused to work, but later on did the work?”

We need to give up the notion that what we say impresses God. God isn’t watching what we say as much as what we do. We can have great speeches about God, but go ahead and do the very things that break His heart. Pure and undefiled spiritual life is known by the actions done in faith, and not by grand confessions and proclamations. If we say we love Him, let it show by what we do for Him and in His name.

“Father, I choose to speak less of my love for You, but I intend to prove my love by the things I will do for You. This is my commitment to You in Christ. Amen.”


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