October 18, 2018

Matthew 21:32

“For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him; but tax collectors and harlots believed him; and when you saw it, you did not afterward relent and believe him.”

It’s bizarre how; the religious establishment and the masses of Christian believers persecute those who preach righteousness and truth. Preachers of holiness are mocked today; they are attacked as being old-fashioned and not in tune with the reality of the age. And strange enough, the masses of churchgoers today prefer those modern preachers who promise health, wealth and blessings; and those who can set up beautiful ceremonies of activities in the name of worship services. These are the growing and prospering ministries in our generation. To their elaborate programs and precision organizational practices, the crowds are gathered to watch their performances on their stages of spiritual emptiness.

However, there are those who know they are sinners and need the cleansing of God. Stage lights do not impress these “tax collectors and harlots”; they are hungry for more. Unto the preachers of righteousness will such persons gather because they seek the substance and depth of heavenly assurances. They want more than what men can promise them. The question to ask yourself this morning is this: “Which is your crowd and where do you belong?”

“O God I want more, much more. Stage light performances do not move my heart. O God, I am a sinner saved by grace. Keep my life only around preachers of righteousness, lest I return to becoming the harlot I used to be. This I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.”


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