Matthew 21:35
“And the vinedressers took his servants, beat one, killed one, and stoned another.”
The cause of all conflict is greed. The biggest problem of Man is that he is never satisfied with what he has. Man is always looking for more, and when he cannot get it legitimately, he strives to get it illegitimately. The greed of men causes all wars. If Man were content with what he had, he would not desire what belongs to another man. The lack of contentment is the primary reason why we venture beyond what is ours.
We would live in peaceful relationships if the power of greed and envy were broken. In this parable, the tenants became greedy to possess what was not theirs, and this ultimately led to them taking drastic and wicked actions against the owners of the vineyard. Don’t desire what God has not given you because such desire eventually would lead to envy and covetousness. Sin is the root cause of all such desires, and unless Jesus crucifies that sinful nature in a man, the cravings will not go away. Jesus is the answer to all conflict because only Jesus can deal with the root of sin.
“Father, I am satisfied. I want more of You and not more of things. What is mine will come to me, of this I am sure. I am satisfied, Lord. Amen.”