October 22, 2018

Matthew 21:46

“But when they sought to lay hands on Him, they feared the multitudes, because they took Him for a prophet.”

In our walk with Jesus, we will go through different seasons of experience. There are the apparent seasons when we will go through the fiery furnace of grievous animosity and persecution for the sake of Christ. These difficult times are integral to following Christ, and no Christ follower must flee from these tough times. Persecution is in the package of redemption and regeneration.

However, in God’s mercy, there will be times when God will protect us from the darts of persecution, and we may not know why or how He does it. In the context of the verse above, God used the fear of the multitude to restrain the hands of the Jewish leaders from harming Christ. Although the same leaders eventually crucified Jesus, God used His sovereign timing to withhold the hands of the forces of evil for a short time. Whenever we are enjoying freedom from trials and testing, know that God is the One giving us time to catch our breath and fortify our resolve in following Him. Don’t waste away your protective seasons, but instead use it as a preparation for the next season of testing.

“Protect me O Lord from the evil that seeks my destruction. And when evil does come, give me the fortitude to withstand it under Your grace. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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