October 24, 2018

Matthew 22:2

“The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son,”

I can’t wait to leave this vain existence and to enter the Glorious Wedding Banquet that God is preparing for His Son Jesus. This will be the most extravagant and elaborate wedding feast that can ever be imagined. The Lord has paid the dowry for the Bride with the very blood of the Bridegroom, Jesus, and now at the close of the age, the Bridegroom will be united with His Lovely Bride.

But all glory to God who is the brain behind it all. He is the originator of the marriage plan and the arranger of the marriage feast. Our God is the great King who is determined to have a great celebration for the “Only Begotten Son” who deserves all the glory that belongs to the Father, and in whom is all the glory of the Father. I cannot wait for that glorious day because I will be on the other side of the aisle as the Bride, looking face to face into the eyes of my Beloved, my Master, my Lord, my Bridegroom.

“Let that Day come quickly Lord. I can’t wait for that amazing and exquisite Day to arrive. Oh! That I may never for any reason mortgage my ticket to be at the Banquet. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.”


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