Matthew 22:12
“So he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless.”
Although everyone is invited to the Wedding Feast of the Lord, we cannot come as we are. While the invitation is to all, nobody is permitted to come into the presence of the Majestic Lord without proper dressing. When we hear the invitation into the Lord’s presence, we need to prepare ourselves in honor of the One who invites you.
We are naturally filthy and unfit to enter God’s presence, and although He invites us to come, we need His help to come in a manner that He can accept. We need to go to God for help because we do not have what is required to be appropriately robed for His banquet. In His mercy, Jesus does not only invite, But He also washes us and dresses us up before bringing us into His Father’s presence. In the presence of the Almighty, nothing unclean can stand and unless Jesus does His preliminary work on us, entering God’s presence will only earn us a harsh punishment and judgment. I celebrate Jesus because He knows the heart of His Father and He works on us before He introduces us into His Father’s Grand audience.
“Thank You, Jesus. I am naturally unfit for the divine appointment and to stand before the Almighty, but I thank You, Jesus, for washing, cleaning and properly dressing me to enter His presence. I am eternally grateful. Amen.”