October 29, 2018

Matthew 22:18

“But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, ‘Why do you test Me, you hypocrites?’”

Jesus “perceived” their wickedness, and based on His perception, He defined His line of action. Because this world is full of deceivers and hypocrites, we need deep spiritual insight to see beyond the superficial. Hypocrites are people who say one thing, but mean something else. Hypocrites are dealers in deceit because they tailor their words and actions to mislead and to cause us to act in a particular way based on wrong or deliberately misleading information.

I need Jesus to permeate my spirit man and to penetrate my deepest psyche so that my perceptions become accurate because they draw from Him who dwells within. Without Jesus working deep within me, I will be a cheap instrument in the hands of men, tossed around by their hypocritical and deceitful schemes. I desperately need Jesus, and once I am sure of His deep roots in my soul, I can after that trust my spiritual perceptions even when I don’t have physical proof that my impressions are accurate.

“Lord Jesus, I know You know all things, and You dwell within me. Please Lord, may Your hand be so strong on me that my actions will not be based only on physical sight but on my perceptions which are tied to Your nudges and impressions within me. Amen.”


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