Matthew 22:29
“Jesus answered and said to them, ‘You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God.’ “
In the Scriptures is the power of God. Some claim to know the Scriptures, but they do not display the power of God because they have not experienced the power for themselves. And this is where we must be careful so that we do not end up like the Scribes. Scribes know the Letter of the Law. They can read, memorize and logically interpret scriptures, but the Holy Words of God are dead in their hands. The power that should flow from the Word of God is missing in the hands of Scribes, and that’s the missing link.
As a disciple of Jesus, I must make this vital connection. I must not see the Word of God as an independent entity from God and His power. It is in the understanding of God that we understand His Word; and it is in the knowledge of His Word from the perspective of God, that power from God is released through the Scriptures. Amen. This was where the Sadducees missed it, and that’s why Jesus had to correct their logical and rational application of the Scriptures, which lacked the corresponding understanding of the power of God. May I come to the Word with full faith and understanding of the inherent power from God, lying untapped within its pages. Amen.
“Lord, I pray that I never become a Scribe who is knowledgeable of the Word but never experiencing the transforming power thereof. May Your power flow in and through my life, even as I meditate on Your Word. In Jesus name. Amen.”