November 4, 2018

Matthew 22:30

“For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven.”

It is incredible to see that in this one sentence, Jesus had summarized the theological arguments about our resurrected bodies and emotions. At the resurrection, we shall not feel the same human feelings and desires we have today. Oh! We will have feelings and desires, but they will be resurrected desires of a new sort, even like that of angels. We will not have feelings of anger, lust, competition, regret or hunger. All our desires will be connected to the one central figure that matters, and that is God Himself.

I hear people saying that they will enjoy being with their wives and families at the New Dawn and I have always wondered if that will happen. If we will be like angels, our desires will not be for one another neither will there be any normal emotional attachment to one another. It will all be about God and God alone. Whatever love you did not express here, you cannot complete over there. It’s over. The glory of the resurrected life is that all our feelings will be centered on and about God. He will be our only delight, and He will be sufficient to satisfy every emotional need if such a need would even exist. Praise God.

“O God, I cannot wait to enter into that resurrection morning. And once I am there with my new body, all I will care about is to spend eternity enjoying the fullness of God, basking in Your eternal glory. What exquisite satisfaction!! Hallelujah. Amen.”


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