November 6, 2018

Matthew 22:37

“Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ ”

God may be considered complicated some things, for example, in understanding His comprehensive nature, sovereignty, and omniscience; and even the detailed plan for humanity and the specific timing for the return of Jesus, and of course the mystery of the Trinity are all very complicated. In essence, to imagine a simplistic God is not to know God at all. However, because God understands our limitations, He has simplified His expectations from Man to only one thing: Love.

God only desires love from us, and whatever is not done in love and from love cannot please God. Love is more than an emotional feeling. Love is that total commitment to walk alongside someone and to stay true to that particular relationship. Love involves doing what would please the object of love and love does not betray the one loved. You cannot truly love someone deeply without knowing that person; hence the need to know God and His desires, before you can love Him correctly. God is not simple, but He has simplified and summarized His desires for us. I am called to love Him, and that’s all He wants from me.

“O my Father, although it is simple, it is not easy. With this world fighting for my attention, affection and obedience, loving You correctly is a daily fight. O Lord, help me love You as You desire. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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