Matthew 22:39
“And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ “
Loving God must be demonstrable and evidenced in actual behavior. Love cannot be in isolation, and the yardstick of our love for others can easily measure our love for God. What’s the whole point of having a hot and incredible love for God, but it doesn’t show in human behavior? Human behavior is the thermometer that gives an unbiased reading of our love for God. Great worship and passionate preaching are good, but they do not mean anything if we don’t practically love the people we meet every day.
So, let’s tear up this false spirituality that’s centered on an ethereal devotion to God that doesn’t positively impact our friends, families, and neighbors. Let’s monitor how we relate with people and measure all our spirituality by how we treat those we meet. Loving people is the hallmark of the spiritual man. Showing kindness and patience to people is one way to know we’ve encountered God. We cannot say we love God and yet plan evil against another man. It’s time to tear up any system of spirituality that doesn’t add positive value to the people around us. It’s time to be real.
“Lord, I thank You for bringing this to the forefront. I will always measure my spiritual status by how I relate with those around me. Amen.”