November 9, 2018

Matthew 22:41-42

“While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, saying, ‘What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?…’ “

The distinction between truth and heresy is in the answer to this salient question. Of all the theological and apologetic questions that must be settled, the most crucial question is concerning the person of Christ. Where does He come from? What is His origin? What is His true nature? Where is He now? Indeed, what separates most religious groups today is not the absence of Christ in their theological discourse, but it’s in the definitions of who He is.

Christ is recognized by almost every major world religious system or philosophical ideology. Some think He’s great while others refuse to accord Him a divine place. But they all have Him as a subject in their teachings. If the Christ is reduced to anything less than His rightful place of divinity, then we have entered into heresy. Only Jesus has the right to occupy the unique position of divinity and humanity, and it is this complexity that has thrown too many religious and spiritual thinkers over-board. Jesus was Divine as well as Human, and as the Eternal Word, the Christ was never created, and He lives for eternity. This understanding comes by revelation, and we can only receive this understanding from the Holy Spirit.

“Jesus, I cannot claim to know all about You, but I believe in Your divinity as the eternal, uncreated Word of God, made flesh for a season to serve as God’s atoning sacrifice for me, and for all of humanity. I believe this completely. Please help many who still struggle with this revelation. In Your name, I pray. Amen.”


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