Matthew 23:37
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!”
Jesus laments over His Church. It breaks God’s heart that we are continually pushing Him away when all He wants is our betterment and prosperity. Whenever Jesus sees that we are missing the way, He sends us men and women to redirect our steps and to caution us from wandering away from the narrow path. But we fight them and call them names. We refuse to hear the voice of the Lord speaking through them because we feel we have known it all.
Jesus laments over our lives. He wants to gather us under His wings of protection and safety, but we keep straying away from Him. We step out and move away, thinking we are matured enough to know how to live by ourselves. Jesus’ heart breaks because He knows that the end of such a life will be disaster and destruction. My greatest good lie in remaining under the wings of Jesus. The hawk circles the sky to pick me up, and if I love myself, I must remain hidden under the divine wings of Jesus. For my own good, I will no longer fight the Word of God sent to me, and no longer stray away from Jesus’ banner of love.
“This is my conviction, Lord. I will remain secure under Your protective wings O my Lord. Protect me from the preying hawk that seeks to consume me. I turn to You for shelter from sudden disaster. In Jesus name. Amen.”