Matthew 24:2
“And Jesus said to them, ‘Do you not see all these things? Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down.’ ”
It’s all vanity. Spending all your life to amass things that have no eternal value is vanity. Spending all your energy to build physical monuments for God is also vanity because these are not the things that interest God. While buildings are necessary and are not in themselves evil, buildings don’t impress God. When the disciples showed Jesus all the beauty of the temple building, Jesus’ response was sharp and contradictory. Maybe they expected Him to be awed by the physical beauty and wonder of the structure, but from where Jesus was coming from, there’s no human architecture that can impress Him. Mighty infrastructures didn’t and still don’t impress Jesus.
Don’t spend your life gathering and developing what has no eternal value. Don’t try to impress God by raising infrastructures to His name and glory. What honors and amazes God is a life full of faith and love for Him. The “internal infrastructures” of a godly life and a reckless abandon to God, are the wonders that God loves to behold. I must not waste my life worrying about buildings and structures that I cannot take with me. No matter the physical things I gain or don’t gain here on earth, the glories of the yonder shall outstrip them in uncountable digits. I need to focus on beautifying my inner life, for these are the things that attract praise from Jesus and impress Him.
“Jesus, may my inner life impress You. But I know I cannot build anything of value inside of me without You. You are the true Builder. O Jesus, build in me, the very things that You know will amaze and impress You. Please Lord. Amen.”