November 29, 2018

Matthew 24:14

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”

Two interwoven and exciting prophecies are contained in this one verse. The first is that the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all nations as a witness. This word by Jesus is not a suggestive thought but a definite prophetic declaration. This gospel, WILL BE PREACHED IN ALL NATIONS. Such hope. Such comfort. It means that irrespective of what Satan does, the gospel will go forth in power to be a witness among all the nations of the earth. This verse is one of the great motivational pillars for world missions. Yes, Satan is ravaging the Church in some nations and insisting that the kingdom of God will never take root in those nations, but we know that the words of Jesus will overrule at the end of the day. Praise God.

The second great prophetic declaration is that THE END WILL COME. I can have hope and faith and rest, and I am hereby motivated to remain steadfast because I know the end will come. This madness and chaos and satanic rule will end. This generation of sin and lawlessness will end. Because I know there is an end to evil, I am encouraged in my heart not to give in or give up. Jesus shall yet have the final say. Hallelujah.

“Lord, these words soothe my soul this morning because I can anchor my hopes on these definite words of Jesus. Lawlessness will come to an end and Jesus shall reign over all creation, one day. Hallelujah Lord. Hallelujah.”


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