Matthew 24:30
“Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”
I will not be among those who will mourn at the coming of the Lord, but unfortunately, there will be many who will mourn. Today, they despise Jesus and make Him look inconsequential. Even some Christians who say they love Him will mourn also because they are not living in accordance with His purposes and patterns. All who fail to fully embrace Him today will mourn terribly when He shall be revealed again at the End of Age.
I will not mourn in Jesus name. When I shall see Jesus coming in His glory and power, I shall be ecstatic with joy and laughter, because my Salvation has come. I must therefore continue to make Jesus my foremost priority every day of my life, knowing that only in so doing will I indeed rejoice when He comes in glory.
“Jesus, You are the joy of my life today and You will remain the joy of my life, even when You return in glory and splendor. Thank You, Lord. May I never drift or shift my position. Amen.”