December 4, 2018

Matthew 24:31

“And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”

There is a glorious and triumphant day coming. This day cannot be compared to any other day in any other dispensation or generation. This day will be the joyful and victorious culmination of every good thing expected and hoped for. And the loud trumpets from heaven’s Angels, the trumpets of celebration and jubilation, will usher the day in. Heaven and earth will rejoice because the Saints are coming home.

I cannot afford to miss that day. It will not be an ordinary day. None of the elect will be left out. None who belong to Christ – who have His Spirit and live by His precepts – will be left out. The Angels have been given strict instructions. All of God’s elect will be gathered into their eternal abode. The trumpets are already sounding and I shall keep my ears open for the final great trumpet sound. And I will be gathered into the place of my final repose in the bosom of my eternal God. Amen.

“I am honored that heaven will blow a great trumpet sound to welcome me home. I rejoice that I am chosen among the elect of God. I know I am celebrated and this gives me a special joy today. Thank You, Father. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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