Matthew 24:35
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.”
So many vanities promise rest, peace and security for the traveling soul, but on this pilgrimage, all the promises of men and all human systems are simply unreliable and untrustworthy. Everything here is transient and temporary. Everything in the heavenlies and on earth will pass away; all have their times and seasons, but none is eternal; except God Himself. Only God was before time began and only God will remain when time ceases. Therefore, if I were to anchor my life on something or someone, it must be on God and God alone.
God shows Himself through His revealed and incarnate Word, Jesus, and only in Jesus and the expressions of Jesus can my life have a sure anchor. Jesus has given us Himself, and His Word, and if I needed anything of true certainty that will not vanish with the passing vanities of life, then it must be anchored on and connected to Jesus. All else will pass away. The written Word of God speaks of the invisible Word of God but does not restrict or limit the invincible Word. So, while I must anchor my life on God as revealed in His written Word, I must not limit myself to the written because the eternal Uncreated Word is still speaking and reaching out to me. Anchor your life on the eternal Word of God in whatsoever fashion He chooses to reveal Himself to you.
“Everything here is vanity, O Lord, but You are forever. I anchor my life on You Jesus, Thou Eternal and Uncreated Word of God. Speak for Thy servant is listening, and I will obey by Your grace. Amen.”