December 14, 2018

Matthew 25:15

“And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey.”

I hadn’t noticed this before but there is a direct connection between the gifts given to you and your ability to use the gifts. When you find a man manifesting a diverse number of gifts and talents, don’t be jealous. God has released that number of gifts to him because God has seen his readiness, willingness and ability to utilize those gifts maximally. There is a direct connection between your ability and the deposit of God’s gifts in your life.

Do you want to grow in the manifestation of the gifts of God? Then grow your abilities. Growth in your capacity to deliver is not measured in the big things of the spirit but in your diligence in small things. My stewardship over seemingly mundane and little things is one of the criteria that God will use to multiply His gifts and graces in my life. While the gifts are from above, diligence and capacity are developed through personal hard work and commitment. I need to keep growing my personal disciplines if I want God to trust me more with His spiritual gifts.

“Father, I need to manifest Your gifts in increasing measure. I therefore plead with You for the grace to grow in dutifully handling every task before me. Strengthen my resolve and my disciplines O my Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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